Trumansburg, New York, is experiencing increasingly rapid rent growth and the resulting lack of affordable housing. A larger and lager number of citizens are becoming rent burdened. Working with Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Service (INHS), a local non-profit housing developer, Tetra Homes housing proposal explores the ways that rural housing can be made affordable through the densification of mechanical and community spaces. 

A mechanical, electrical, and plumbing core constructed of bricks create the heart of every housing unit: each core has services that run alongside two of its four walls, enough to support up to 5 bedrooms of residents. Simultaneously, the mechanical core creates an opportunity for an elevated community space with its function determined by the core’s residents. The importance of a community space was repeatedly stressed by the current residents of Trumansburg, “We just want to host small barbecues.”

The rest of the housing units are constructed with prefabricated structurally insulated panels (SIPs). These panels are screwed into the ground via ground screws, negating the need for a foundation entirely. Due to the land ownership model that INHS provides for its residents, Tetra Homes is designed as a multi-generational living community, prioritizing the longevity of its community. 


Trumansburg, New York 
Spring 2024 Option Studio
Advised by Emma Silverblatt
Partner project with Amanda Choi